Everything that's poped out from my head should be listed here...sigh..but time's getting jealous with all my free hanging time.And then,bla bla bla....updating session will only come when there's no work to be done,which means, no such time for me! Works compiling and I'm getting drown by it. So, my touch in my blog's getting lesser. Pity me, and pity you my bloggy..
Saturday, February 16, 2008
sMiLe thOugh uR hEarT iS aChin'
SmIle evEn thoUgh iT's bReaKin'
wHen thEre r clOudS iN dA sKy, U'll gEt bY
if u sMilE thrU uR feAr oF soRrOw
sMile N mayB 2mOrrow
u'll C dA suN cOmE sHinIng tHrU 4 U
LiGht uP uR fAce wiTh gLadNeSs
hiDe eVeRy tRaCe oF sadNesS
aLthOugh a tEaR mAy b evEr sO neAr
daT's dA tiMe u muSt keEp oN trYin'
sMiLe, wAt's dA uSe oF crYin'?
u'll f9 dAt liFe iS stiL wOrtHwhiLe
If u jUz sMiLe
daT's dA tiMe u mUst kEep oN tRyin'
sMiLe, waT's dA usE oF crYin'?
u'll f9 dAt liFe iS stiL wOrtHwhiLe
if U jUZ sMiLe
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
wElCoMe 2 mY uNbReAkbLe sItE!!!!!
hYE eVrY1!!! I ThInK i LoVe 2 kNoW pEoPlE...sO...wHy DoN't yOu cOmE n pAsSiNg By 4 a MiNuTe? B mY FrEn aLsO CaN mAkE mMe HePi....CoMe,cOmE....
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