Saturday, February 16, 2008

sMiLe thOugh uR hEarT iS aChin' SmIle evEn thoUgh iT's bReaKin' wHen thEre r clOudS iN dA sKy, U'll gEt bY if u sMilE thrU uR feAr oF soRrOw sMile N mayB 2mOrrow u'll C dA suN cOmE sHinIng tHrU 4 U LiGht uP uR fAce wiTh gLadNeSs hiDe eVeRy tRaCe oF sadNesS aLthOugh a tEaR mAy b evEr sO neAr daT's dA tiMe u muSt keEp oN trYin' sMiLe, wAt's dA uSe oF crYin'? u'll f9 dAt liFe iS stiL wOrtHwhiLe If u jUz sMiLe daT's dA tiMe u mUst kEep oN tRyin' sMiLe, waT's dA usE oF crYin'? u'll f9 dAt liFe iS stiL wOrtHwhiLe if U jUZ sMiLe

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

wElCoMe 2 mY uNbReAkbLe sItE!!!!!

hYE eVrY1!!! I ThInK i LoVe 2 kNoW pEoPlE...sO...wHy DoN't yOu cOmE n pAsSiNg By 4 a MiNuTe? B mY FrEn aLsO CaN mAkE mMe HePi....CoMe,cOmE....